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Attitude Quotes

My kind of people laugh at offensive jokes because they understand that life is ridiculous but also fucking hilarious.

My kind of people…

I express all my emotions by saying “FUCK” in varying tones.

I express all my emotions…

The less people you chill with, the less bullshit you deal with.

The less people…

NEVER in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down.


Sometimes I just don’t feel like getting out of bed… Then I remember I have people to piss off and prove wrong.


Sometimes the most soul cleansing, spiritual thing you can do is to tell someone to fuck off.


Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose a shoe at midnight, you’re drunk.

Life is not a fairy tale…

Sarcasm is a body’s natural defence against stupidity.


Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end you wish you had a club and a spade.


If someone asks “Are You Crazy?” Simply reply “Yes”. Boom. End of discussion.

If someone asks…