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Cynical Quotes

Before you ask why someone hates you, ask yourself why you even give a fuck.

Before you ask…

Anything is possible with the right attitude, a sledge hammer and some duct tape.

Anything is possible…

Don't like me? Fuck off. Problem solved.

Don’t like me?…

I love free speech. I also love ignore, mute and block.

I love free speech…

Some people’s birth certificates should be an apology letters from the condom factory.

Some people’s birth…

The best things in life either make you fat, drunk or pregnant.

The best things in life…

A cat looks down upon a man, and a dog looks looks up to a man, but a pig will look a man in the eye and see his equal. – Winston Churchill

A cat looks down…

71% of our planet is covered by water. 28,9 is covered by fucking idiots.

71% of our planet…

52% of women fake orgasms. 100% of men don’t give a shit.

52% of women…

RULE NUMBER ONE: Fuck what they think.