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Inspirational Quotes

Just because you’re trash doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. It’s called garbage can, not garbage cannot.

Just because you’re trash…

Exist on your own damned terms.

Exist on…

If life gives you lemons, add vodka.

If life gives you lemons…

Sometimes you have to flip out and go bat shit crazy to make a point.

Sometimes you have to…

When life shuts a door... open it again. It’s a door. That' how they work.

When life shuts a door…

Don't let wack ass people fuck with your dope ass energy.

Don’t let wack ass people…

Doing crazy shit is what makes life worth living.

Doing crazy shit…

If you think you’are fucked up, just remember there’s someone meeting your ex right now thinking that they found someone special.

If you think…

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it. - W. C. Fields

If at first you don’t succeed…

Let whoever think whatever.

Let whoever think whatever…