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People Quotes

THEM: You pissed a lot of people off, what did you do? ME: Told the fucking truth.

THEM: You pissed a lot of people…

I hate when people ask me what I did yesterday. I don't know. I breathed a lot. Probably got mad at something... Sighed heavily. The list goes on.

I hate when people ask me…

Nobody watches you harder than the people that don't like you. Give them show.

Nobody watches…

Don’t drink and drive because there are people who text and drive... and they will hit you and it will be your fault.

Don’t drink and drive…

My favorite people are slightly bent, a little twisted, and a whole lot fucked.

My favorite people…

Normalize telling people “I don’t give a fuck” in the middle of conversations.


I love when people are rude because omg, no way, my turn!

I love when people are rude…

Be yourself. Even if you’re fucking crazy. Stop worrying about normal people judging your cool weird ass.

Be yourself…

Your life is not yours if you’re constantly care what other people think.

Your life…

You do you! And if people don’t like it they can fuck off. They’re not your people.

You do you…