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People Quotes

Some people are the human version of period cramps.

Some people…

People say I act like I don't give a fuck. Motherfuckers... I'm not acting.

People say…

Sometimes you gotta feed people some bullshit just to see who they run back and tell.

Sometimes you gotta…

Studies have shown that intelligent people swear more than stupid motherfuckers.

Studies have shown…

Fake people talk about other people being fake. Real people worry about their business, and no one else's. - Ziad K. Abdelnour

Fake people…

Vampires are real. Everyday I meet at least one person who sucks the life out of me.

Vampires are real…

Some people think they are champagne in a tall glass, when in actual fact they're lukewarm piss in a plastic cup

Some people think…

I don't have trust issues. I just think most people are full of shit.

I don’t have trust issues…

Surround yourself with people who have issues. Because people who have issues always have alcohol.

Surround yourself…

Some people are like a bag of pampers... Self absorbed and full of shit.

Some people…