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Rude Quotes

Why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot but not acceptable for me to point it out?

Why is it acceptable…

I say “fuck” so much I literally forgot it offends some people.

I say “fuck” so much…

Life is a bitch but we are couple and we cuddle.

Life is a bitch…

If you have a problem with me please write it nicely on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, fold it up, and shove up it up your ass.

If you have a problem with me…

I refuse to back down to bullshit, so if you are going to start, you better be fucking ready to rumble.

I refuse to back down…

Dear life, I’ve had enough bullshit to last a while. Can we take a little break, please?!

Dear life, I’ve had enough…

I do in fact fuck around and find out. I've learned every lesson the hard way.

I do in fact…

Ever wanna answer every question with a middle finger? That’s kinda where I am today.

Ever wanna answer…

Why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot, but not acceptable for me to point it out.

Why is it acceptable for you…

I don’t walk on eggsshels for anybody. I stomp on those motherfuckers.

I don’t walk on eggsshels…