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Rude Quotes

Do what the fuck you want. Because in the end people are assholes and will judge you anyway.

Do what the fuck you want…

Before you ask why someone hates you, ask yourself why you even give a fuck.

Before you ask…

Don't like me? Fuck off. Problem solved.

Don’t like me?…

BITCHCRAFT: The art of pissing people off while smiling sweetly.


I love free speech. I also love ignore, mute and block.

I love free speech…

Some people’s birth certificates should be an apology letters from the condom factory.

Some people’s birth…

Be careful when you blindly follow the masses. Sometimes the M is silent.

Be careful…

A little piece of advice… Don't talk shit if you can't fight.

A little piece of advice…

A FACT OF LIFE: After monday and tuesday, even the calendar says WTF


Only dead fish go with the flow.

Only dead fish…