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Women Quotes

Men look at woman’s behind and go “wow! What an ass!” Woman look at man’s face and think the same.

Men look at woman’s behind…

How is a woman like a condom? Both spend more time in your wallet than on your dick.

How is a woman like a condom?…

Behind every angry woman stands a man who has absolutely no idea what he did wrong.

Behind every angry woman…

Every guy thinks that every girl’s dream is to find the perfect guy. Wrong! Every girl’s dream is to eat without getting fat.

Every guy thinks…

Arguing with a woman is like getting arrested. Everything you say can and will be used against you.

Arguing with a woman…

Don’t try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other.

Don’t try to understand women…

Behind every man is a woman resisting the urge to choke him.

Behind every man…

52% of women fake orgasms. 100% of men don’t give a shit.

52% of women…

A quiet man is a thinking man. A quiet woman is usually mad.

A quiet man…