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WE ARE ALL: Ugly to someone, fake to someone, stuck-up to someone, ain’t shit to someone, a loser to someone, a bitch to someone. BUT WHO THE HELL CARES. Make your money, pay your bills, take care of you and your family, and don’t worry what anyone else thinks.


Trying to understand some people is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Trying to understand…

If you don't like me and still watch everything I do, bitch you are fan.

If you don’t like me…

Good morning to some of you... Fuck you to the rest.

Good morning…

You remind me of a penny. Worthless, two-faced,and inside everyone's pants.

You remind me…

Whoever thinks money doesn't buy happiness, transfer that shit to my account.

Whoever thinks…

You have one advantage over me. You can kiss my ass and I can't.

You have one advantage…

You know why birds sing in the morning? Because they don't have to go to fucking work.

You know why…

If you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.

If you kick me…

Word of the day: EXHAUSTIPATED. Too tired to give a shit.

Word of the day…