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Every day of my life forces me to add another name to the list of people who can kiss my fucking ass.

Every day of my life…

Laughing is the best medicine. Unless you are laughing for no reason…Then you need medicine.

Laughing is the best medicine…

KARMASUTRA: When life fucks you in all sorts of creative ways.


Some people just need a hug…around the neck…with a rope.

Some people just need…

Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

Don’t blame a clown…

At first I cared, but then I was like “Nah, fuck you”.

At first I cared…

Every day is another opportunity to fuck it all up again.

Every day is…

Care about what other people think and you will become their prisoner. – Lao Tzu

Care about…

Didn’t care yesterday. Don’t give a shit today. Probably won’t give a fuck tomorrow.

Didn’t care yesterday…

Don’t worry about getting older. You’re still going to do dumb stuff, only slower.

Don’t worry about…