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Yes, I could improve my attitude. But my insurance doesn't cover those meds.

Yes, I could improve…

Apparently, I have an attitude. Who fucking new?!

Apparently, I have an attitude…

Once I get an attitude, it takes me 3-5 business days to fix my face.

Once I get an attitude…

Dudes with small pee pees have the most fucked up attitudes. Calm down, push pop

Dudes with small pee pees…

I’ve got a smile on my face and fuck y'all attitude.

I’ve got a smile on my face…

It’s not an attitude if I have it every day. It’s my personality.

It’s not an attitude…

I wake up with a good attitude every day. Then idiots happen.

I wake up…

I don't have an attitude problem, you have a problem with my attitude, and that's not my problem

I don’t have an attitude problem…

Don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are. - Frank Ocean

Don’t confuse…

Every day I arrive at work with good intentions and great attitude… Then idiots happen.

Every day I arrive at work…