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Oh, I don’t try to hide my weird. I like to wave it around. It scares off the boring people and it’s like a beacon for my fellows weirdos.

Oh, I don’t try to hide…

I know sometime life just sucks. Things don’t work out the way you planned, because there is no instruction manual. But even if there was, life would suck even more, because it would be pretty damn boring.

I know sometime life just sucks…

Fuck normal. That shit is boring.

Fuck normal…

Flawed and fabulous.. because perfect doesn’t exist and normal is boring.

Flawed and fabulous…

Immature: A word used by boring people to describe fun people.


Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes, that would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head, that will freak you right out.

Don’t bother…