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Burning Bridges

Some bridges aren’t meant to be burned. They’re meant to be blown the fuck up by smitherins.

Some bridges…

I do not burn bridges. I just loosen the bolts a little bit each day.

I do not burn bridges…

I like to burn my bridges while I’m still standing on them so people know I'm serious about my crazy.

I like to burn my bridges…

They say don’t burn bridges you may have to cross later. I say I don’t mind swimming if the bridge was fucked up to begin with.

They say don’t burn bridges…

Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.

Sometimes you have to…

Burning a bridge takes too long. I prefer explosives.

Burning a bridge…

I don't regret burning my bridges. I regret that some people weren't on those bridges when I burnt them.

I don’t regret…