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If my mouth doesn’t say it, my face definitely will.

If my mouth doesn’t say…

I’ve got a smile on my face and fuck y'all attitude.

I’ve got a smile on my face…

Controlling my tongue is no problem. It’s my face that needs deliverance.

Controlling my tongue…

I can keep my mouth shut, but you can read the subtitles on my face.

I can keep my mouth shut…

I love when people underestimate me. Seeing the stupid expressions on their faces after they see what I can really do is fucking priceless.

I love when people…

And yet, despite the look on my face you’re still talking.

And yet, despite the look…

Sometimes I want to go back in time and punch myself in the face.

Sometimes I want…

Yeah, I’m a pacifist. I’m about to pass a fist across your face.

Yeah, I’m a pacifist…

Remember, when somebody annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown but it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that face.


Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.

Smiling give you wrinkles…