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Sometimes I drink to forget, but I never forget to drink.

Sometimes I drink to forget…

Before social media you could just completely forget that someone existed. Good times.

Before social media…

Forgive and forget? How about fuck off and die?

Forgive and forget…

Forgive and forget? Nah. Fuck you and fuck that.

Forgive and forget?…

Don’t drink to forget me, you’ll end up seeing me double.

Don’t drink to forget me…

I’ll never forget the first time we met. But I’ll keep trying.

I’ll never forget…

Someone once told me, “you’re never gonna forget me”. I just can’t remember who the fuck it was.

Someone once told me…

I am great at multitasking. I can listen, ignore, and forget all at once.

I am great at multitasking…

Forgive and forget? I’m neither Jesus nor do I have an Alzheimer’s.

Forgive and forget?…