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Turn off your feelings sometimes, life is better when you don't give a fuck.

Turn off your feelings…

Don't let wack ass people fuck with your dope ass energy.

Don’t let wack ass people…

I have many talents, but giving a fuck is not one of them.

I have many talents…

Of all the ways to say fuck off, silence is my favorite.

Of all the ways to say…

Everyone should believe in something. I believe you should go fuck yourself.

Everyone should believe…

Switch up your swear words. Keep them potent. Call someone a piece of fuck. Tell someone to go shit themselves. Keep the magic alive.

Switch up your swear words…

I like my mornings to be slow and quiet. I want the day to romance me a bit before it tries to fuck me up.

I like my mornings…

Forgive and forget? Nah. Fuck you and fuck that.

Forgive and forget?…

I don't have any room for hate in my heart. I do have plenty of room for go fuck yourself though.

I don’t have…

You either say how you feel and fuck it up or say nothing and let it fuck you up instead.

You either say…