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Fucked Up

I’m kinda like the total package that got fucked up through shipping and handling.

I’m kinda like…

I like crazy, fucked up people. At least I know what I’m dealing with. It’s the ones who seem nice and normal that scare me.

I like crazy…

Never fuck with a fucked up fucker that doesn't give a fuck.

Never fuck with…

You might see me laughing, joking and trying to be happy but truth is my head has been in a fucked up place for months. I stay positive tho.

You might see me laughing…

I’m super fucked up and that’s part of my charm.

I’m super fucked up…

Dudes with small pee pees have the most fucked up attitudes. Calm down, push pop

Dudes with small pee pees…

If you think you’are fucked up, just remember there’s someone meeting your ex right now thinking that they found someone special.

If you think…

You have to be a little crazy just to survive this crazy fucked up world.

You have to be…

EVERYONE’S FUCKED UP. You just gotta figure out what kind of fucked up you’re into.


I may not be much help in telling you what works. But I sure have fucked up enough to tell you what doesn't.

I may not be much help…