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Getting Older

I don't think we do get smarter as we get older. I just think we run out of stupid things to do.

I don’t think we do get smarter…

The older I get the more everyone can kiss my ass.

The older I get…

The older I get the more I come to realize that I just don't care what the hell anyone thinks.

The older I get…

When I was a kid, I wanted to be older. This shit is not what I expected.

When I was a kid…

It's not that we have more patience as we get older, we just don't give a fuck anymore about pointless drama.

It’s not that we have…

When I was young I just wanted to be older. What the hell was I thinking!

When I was young…

One of the best things about getting older: Knowing someone is an asshole before they even speak.

One of the best things…

Don’t worry about getting older. You’re still going to do dumb stuff, only slower.

Don’t worry about…