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Go Fuck Yourself

I just want to say to anyone I may have offended yesterday, you can go fuck yourself again today.

I just want to say…

Good luck and take care. And by good like I mean go fuck yourself. And by take care I mean go fuck yourself.

Good luck and take care…

There is always a little “go fuck yourself” in every "whatever".

There is always a little…

Everyone should believe in something. I believe you should go fuck yourself.

Everyone should believe…

I don't have any room for hate in my heart. I do have plenty of room for go fuck yourself though.

I don’t have…

I’m mostly “PEACE, LOVE and LIGHT” and a little "go fuck yourself".

I’m mostly “PEACE, LOVE…

Every evening when I tell my boss "Have a good night", what I really saying is "Go fuck yourself".

Every evening…

When a male octopus finds a mate, he rips off his penis and throws it at the female so she can inseminate herself, then he grows a new penis. If that isn't the most epic way to tell someone to "go fuck yourself" I don't know what is.

When a male octopus…

My “give a fuck” is still broken but my “go fuck yourself” is fully functional.

My “give a fuck”…

I hide behind sarcasm because telling you to go fuck yourself is considered rude in most social situations.

I hide behind sarcasm…