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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Hell who I am kidding. I hope you fall down the fuckin stairs too.

Don’t let the door hit you…

There are people in life you could never get tired of hitting with a shovel.

There are people in life…

That stone you’re throwing better hit me. Because I’ve got a brick for you.

That stone…

When life knocks you down, calmly get back up, smile and very politely say "you hit like a bitch".

When life knocks you…

Whatever life throws at you, duck and let it hit someone else.

Whatever life throws at you…

Ever look at someone and think, "Why has no one hit you with a shovel yet?"

Ever look at someone…

Just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean I don’t want to hit you in the face.

Just because I’m smiling…

Hitting the gym to release stress is not nearly as effective as hitting the people that caused that stress to begin with. - Alan Garner

Hitting the gym…