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This “NORMAL” you speak of doesn't sound fun at all.

This “NORMAL”…

I like crazy, fucked up people. At least I know what I’m dealing with. It’s the ones who seem nice and normal that scare me.

I like crazy…

Fuck normal. That shit is boring.

Fuck normal…

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

Everyone seems normal…

I tried to be normal once… worst two minutes of my life.

I tried to be normal once…

When I said I was normal I might have exaggerated slightly.

When I said I was normal…

It’s not my fault you thought I was normal. You’ve had enough time and plenty of clues to figure that shit out!

It’s not my fault…

I don’t go crazy. I am crazy. I go normal from time to time.

I don’t go crazy…

People should seriously stop expecting normal from me. Stop acting like you don’t know who you’re dealing with.

People should…

I used to think I was overreacting. Now I realize it was just a normal reaction to an abnormal amount of bullshit.

I used to think…