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Why is “patience” a virtue? Why can’t “hurry the fuck up” be a virtue?

Why is “patience” a virtue?…

Be the worst you can be: Life is too long for patience and virtue.

Be the worst you can be…

Patience is like a toilet roll – the bigger asshole you are dealing with, the quicker it runs out.


People are so ungrateful. No one ever thanks me for having the patience not to kill them.

People are so ungrateful…

Do you run? Yes. Out of patience, fucks, and money.

Do you run?…

PATIENCE: What you have when there are too many witnesses.


It's not that we have more patience as we get older, we just don't give a fuck anymore about pointless drama.

It’s not that we have…

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it. - Edith Sitwell

I am patient with stupidity…

Lord, please give me patience because if you give me strength I’ll need bail money too.

Lord, please give me…