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You might see me laughing, joking and trying to be happy but truth is my head has been in a fucked up place for months. I stay positive tho.

You might see me laughing…

A negative person sees the glass of water as half empty. A positive person sees it as half full. A realistic person adds two shots of whiskey, two cubes of ice and says "cheers".

A negative person…

Sure being positive and nice to everyone all the time is great... But have you ever dropped a good “Fuck You” on someone you don’t like? That shit will help the sun rise.

Sure being positive…

At this point in my life I am positive some people were put on this earth to test my alcohol tolerance level.

At this point in my life…

Start each day with a positive thought, like: “I can go to bed in about 17 short hours”.

Start each day…

I'm trying to be a more positive person every day. Today, I'm positive everyone is an asshole.

I’m trying to be…