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If we are ever in a situation where I am the “voice of reason” then we are in a very very bad situation.

If we are ever in a situation…

When you say everything happens for a reason, don’t be surprised when I slap you in the face. It happened for a reason.

When you say…

Those who doubt your ability probably have a valid reason.

Those who doubt…

Not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks. - Alexa Chung

Not everything happens…

Always remember you’re someone’s reason to smile because you’re a joke.

Always remember…

Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place.

Women need…

I know everything happens for a reason, but what the fuck?

I know…

The reason you have to follow your dreams is because even your dreams are trying get away from you.

The reason…

Stop saying “everything happens for a reason” when you fuck up! Shit happens because you let it.

Stop saying…

When someone says "everything happens for a reason" a fun thing to do is punch them in the face and say "this was meant to be".

When someone says…