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Go ahead, be the reason I get off with an insanity plea.

Go ahead…

The only reason I wanted to be an adult was to have sex and curse. All this paying bills and waking up to go to work wasn’t the plan.

The only reason…

If we are ever in a situation where I am the “voice of reason” then we are in a very very bad situation.

If we are ever in a situation…

When you say everything happens for a reason, don’t be surprised when I slap you in the face. It happened for a reason.

When you say…

Those who doubt your ability probably have a valid reason.

Those who doubt…

Not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks. - Alexa Chung

Not everything happens…

Always remember you’re someone’s reason to smile because you’re a joke.

Always remember…

Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place.

Women need…

I know everything happens for a reason, but what the fuck?

I know…

The reason you have to follow your dreams is because even your dreams are trying get away from you.

The reason…