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Buy the shoes. No point in being the richest bitch in the cemetery.

Buy the shoes…

I got on my slip resistant shoes. I ain’t falling for shit.

I got on my slip…

They say penis size is related to shoe size. That makes clowns much more scarier.

They say penis size…

No, I don't need to walk a mile in your shoes, I can see that you're a train wreck from all the way over here.

No, I don’t need to walk…

I tried to put myself in your shoes but they were cheap and ugly, just like you.

I tried to put myself…

I hate when people say you don’t need alcohol to have fun. You don’t need running shoes to run but it fucking helps.

I hate when people say…

Before you judge me try walking a mile in my shoes so you can see how little I care and how good it feels to be a mile away from you.

Before you judge me…

Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes, that would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head, that will freak you right out.

Don’t bother…

Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes. After that who cares? They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.

Before you judge someone…