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Shut Up

I come from a place where “Keep talking” means you better shut the fuck up.

I come from a place…

The number of times I think “Shut the fuck up” while people are talking is getting out of hand.

The number of times I think…

People often forget that shutting the fuck up is a good activity for them to consider.

People often forget…

It’s never too late to shut the fuck up and mind your own business.Rude, Sarcastic, Funny Quotes, Thoughts, Sayings

It’s never too late…

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

It’s better…

Knowing when to shut the hell up is a gift very few people are born with.

Knowing when to shut the hell up…

If you don't know my whole story keep your mouth shut. If you know my whole story, you're an accomplice. Keep your mouth shut.

If you don’t know…

OH SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HAVE A DRINK. - Me as a therapist.


I get it: When you have no idea what someone is talking about but you just want them to shut up.


Me being rude: Shut the fuck up. Me being polite: Please shut the fuck up.