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Being a woman is hard. You always want to buy something, kill someone, lose weight, and eat something sweet.

Being a woman…

When someone calls me sweet I laugh inside because they clearly have no clue who the fuck I am.

When someone calls me…

Short girls look so sweet and cute until you piss them off, then they are like a chipmunk with rabies.

Short girls…

I was born sweet, fuck knows what happened.

I was born sweet…

I have 3 sides: The quiet and sweet side 2. The fun and crazy side 3. The side you never want to see

I have 3 sides…

Sweet as sugar. Cold as ice. Hurt me once, I’ll break you twice.

Sweet as sugar…

I used to be so nice and sweet. Now I’m just like fuck you, fuck that, fuck everybody.

I used to be so nice…

I'm an odd combination of "really sweet" and "don't mess with me".

I’m an odd combination…

Once upon a time I was sweet and innocent. Then shit happened!

Once upon a time…