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If you’re gonna talk bad about me, invite me. I’ll tell more bad things.

If you’re gonna talk bad…

You should give a fuck. You really should, but only about things that set your soul on fire. Set your fucks for magical shit.

You should give a fuck…

Give me coffee to change the things I can and wine to accept those that I cannot.

Give me coffee…

A simple hello could lead to a million things. Like butt touches.

A simple hello…

If you think the things I say out loud are bad, you should hear the shit I keep to myself.

If you think the things I say…

I love saying things that are better left unsaid.

I love saying things…

I know sometime life just sucks. Things don’t work out the way you planned, because there is no instruction manual. But even if there was, life would suck even more, because it would be pretty damn boring.

I know sometime life just sucks…

Once you get fucked over, you stop giving a fuck about a lot of things.

Once you get fucked over…

Things that shouldn’t be broken 1. Hearts, 2. Promises, 3. Condoms

Things that shouldn’t be broken…

Some things are better left unsaid. But that’s usually the stuff I blurt out right away.

Some things are…