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It’s better to be an old fart than it is to be a young shit head.

It’s better to be…

When I was young, I was poor. But after years of hard work, I am no longer young.

When I was young…

To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.

To be old and wise…

Remember, you're only young once but you can be immature forever.


Dr's say that drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps your skin look younger. My advice: Drink 8 glasses of wine a day an you won't give a damn how old you look.

Dr’s say…

When I was young, I was scared of the dark. Now when I see my electric bill I am scared of the light.

When I was young…

When I was young I just wanted to be older. What the hell was I thinking!

When I was young…

Think old and you'll be old. Think young and you'll be a delusional old fart.

Think old and you’ll be old…