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I don’t know where all this crap about me being “difficult person” is coming from. I am constant fucking delight.

I don’t know where all this crap…

Crap. Turns out this is my circus, and those are my monkeys.

Crap. Turns out…

Taking your ex back is like going to a yard sale and buying back your own crap.

Taking your ex back…

Karma takes too long. I’d rather just beat the crap out of you now.

Karma takes too long…

Some people speak so much crap, it’s difficult to know whether to offer them toilet paper or a breath mint.

Some people speak…

I am an optimist! I think most people are half full of crap.

I am an optimist!…

Have you noticed that the people with verbal diarrhea are often the people with crap for brains?

Have you noticed…

Being a good person doesn't mean you have to put up with other people's crap all the time.

Being a good person…

DEJA POO: The feeling that you've heard that crap before.


There's just not enough toilet paper in the world to clean up all this crap some people create. - Susan Gale

There’s just not enough…