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It’s totally OK to talk to yourself and it’s perfectly OK to answer yourself. But it’s totally sad that you have to repeat what you said because you weren’t listening.

It’s totally OK…

Sometimes all you need is a hug or someone to tell you everything will be OK... or some rough sex or whatever.

Sometimes all you need…

It’s OK if you disagree with me. I can’t force you to be right.

It’s OK…

I wish everyone would just tell each other, "It’s ok. I don't know what I'm fucking doing either".

I wish…

It is OK to lose your shit sometimes because if you keep your shit, you’ll end up full of shit and then you’ll explode and there will be shit everywhere. A shit storm. And nobody wants that.

It is OK…

Stop saying “yes” and “ok” when you should be saying “no thanks” and “fuck off”.

Stop saying…

How to be grown up at work: Replace "Fuck You" with "OK Great".

How to be grown up at work…