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If you think life is too short, get a shitty job

If you think life is too short…

If you’re going to be an asshole be an awesome asshole, because nobody likes a shitty asshole.

If you’re going to be…

Marriage. Because your shitty day doesn’t have to end at work.


There is a difference between talking shit about a person and talking truth about a shitty person.

There is a difference…

Let's not make this more complicated than it has to be. If you don't want to be called out on your shit, don't act shitty.

Let’s not make…

I hate when people use their zodiac to justify shitty behaviour like "Sorry I can't help it, I'm a Scorpio". No Susan, you're just a bitch.

I hate when people use…

ZODIAC SIGN: An excuse for people to justify their shitty behavior.


Stop stressing over shitty people.

Stop stressing…

Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and that's where shitty ideas come from.

Never hold…

If each day is a gift…Can we get a refund on a shitty ones?

If each day is a gift…