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Some People

I often wonder if some people are assholes just by nature or if they strive hard to achieve that title.

I often wonder…

Some people set high standards for themselves. I just try to be less an asshole each day.

Some people set…

Some people shit from their mouths and talk thru their asses.

Some people shit…

Some people rise and shine. I caffeinate and hope for the best

Some people rise and shine…

Some people are like software updates… You see them and think, oh for fuck’s sake not now.

Some people are…

I never understood how much some people can talk early in the morning, I mean to have brain so efficacious. Anything you can extract from mine is: shut the fuck up!

I never understood…

My life would be so much easier if I wasn't intelligent enough to realize how fucking stupid some people are.

My life would be…

Some people say I’m crazy. I prefer the term "Happy with benefits".

Some people say I’m crazy…

Some people are like clouds. Once they fuck off, it’s a beautiful day!

Some people…

Some people you know were dropped on their heads as babies. Some were clearly thrown in the air, hit the ceiling fan, bounced off the wall and fell out of the window.

Some people you know…