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One thing about me. I notice weird vibes, bad energy, and sneaky shit.

One thing about me…

You would be amazed at how many times I’ve fucked around without finding a single thing out.

You would be amazed…

Being an adult is the dumbest thing I've ever done.

Being an adult…

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life it’s that people are confusing as fuck.

If there is one thing…

The only thing I will force in my life is my jeans over my ass. Not friends, not relationships.

The only thing…

I don’t always do the wrong thing, but when I do, it’s the wrongiest of all the wrongs that ever wronged.

I don’t always do…

You know that thing inside your head that keeps you from saying stuff you probably shouldn't? Yeah, mine's broken

You know that thing…

Every bad thing that happens today is a direct result of choosing to get out of bed.

Every bad thing…