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When people say: “She’s a nice person once you get to know her.” What they really mean is: “She is a bitch, but you’ll get used to it.

When people say…

Today I mixed my bitch flakes with some lucky charms and downed it all with a pot of coffee... I’m going to be magically energized super bitch all day!

Today I mixed…

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. When life is a bitch beer is a must.

Ashes to ashes…

I like to think I am only mean to people who deserve it. Kind of like a vigilante bitch... A Bitchilante if you will.

I like to think…

Resting bitch face saves me from so many conversations I don't want to be a part of.

Resting bitch face…

I may be a crazy bitch, but at least I am not a basic bitch.

I may be a crazy bitch…

Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done. - Madonna

Sometimes you have to…

Thou shalt not stress over the opinion of an irrelevant little bitch.

Thou shalt not stress…

Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.

Smiling give you wrinkles…

I am no longer following my heart. That bitch gives bad directions.

I am no longer…