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Bad decisions make good stories.

Bad decisions make good stories.

I can’t turn water into wine but I can turn vodka into bad decisions and total fucking mayhem.

I can’t turn water into wine…

I’m smart enough to know that I make a lot of dumb decisions.

I’m smart enough…

I make bad decisions when I'm drunk but the sober ones haven't been that great either.

I make bad decisions…

When a man is trying to make a decision, it’s often a struggle between his head and his heart. Then his penis walks in and says, “relax guys, I got this”.

When a man is trying…

You bring the alcohol, I’ll bring the bad decisions

You bring the alcohol…

“Fuck it” - my final thought before making most decisions.

“Fuck it”…

Childhood: When you didn’t have to be drunk to make stupid decisions.


Not to brag but I don’t even need alcohol to make really bad decisions.

Not to brag…