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Piss Off

THEM: You pissed a lot of people off, what did you do? ME: Told the fucking truth.

THEM: You pissed a lot of people…

Never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman.

Never underestimate…

Did I piss you off enough for you not to talk to me anymore? If not, let me know. I have a lot more to say.

Did I piss you off…

Not telling me something because you didn’t want to piss me off is the best way to piss me off.

Not telling me something…

If I got paid for pissing people off I’d be rich as fuck.

If I got paid…

Short girls look so sweet and cute until you piss them off, then they are like a chipmunk with rabies.

Short girls…

My goal in life is to piss off at least one person a day. So far I’m about 12 years ahead of schedule.

My goal in life…

Arguing with me is a waste of time, I’m so sarcastic and nonchalant that it's gonna piss you off even more.

Arguing with me…

Life should be like hockey. When someone pisses you off you just beat the shit out of them then sit in a penalty box for 5 minutes.

Life should be…

People think I go out of my way to piss them off. Trust me, it’s not out of my way at all.

People think…