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Some People

Some people who flood others with their distasteful criticism ironically cannot handle even just a drop of their own medicine.

Some people…

Trying to understand some people is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Trying to understand…

I swear some people must have been conceived through anal sex. There is no way being that much of an asshole is natural.

I swear…

There's just not enough toilet paper in the world to clean up all this crap some people create. - Susan Gale

There’s just not enough…

I realize that some people don't like me. I also realize that I highly don't give a fuck.

I realize…

Some people aren't just missing the odd screw. The whole freakin' toolbox is gone

Some people…

The more I get to know certain people... The more I realize why Noah only let animals board the ark.

The more I get to know…

If I could unmeet some people... I would.

If I could unmeet…

Some people are so full of shit!! They should have flushing handles instead of ears!!

Some people…

Some people handle stress with yoga, meditation and long walks. I handle it with sarcasm, beer and telling people to fuck off.

Some people handle stress…