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I really hate it when someone accuses me of not caring about whatever the fuck they were talking about.

I really hate it…

If you can go days without talking to me, go a couple more. I'm good.

If you can go days…

A good way to get out of a conversation is to take off one of your socks and hand it to the person talking.

A good way…

Just keep talking, I’ll yawn when I’m interested.

Just keep talking…

Half of my problems are caused by my tone of voice and sarcasm. Everyone thinks I'm either mad, arguing or just an asshole. While actually, I’m just talking.

Half of my problems…

There is a difference between talking shit about a person and talking truth about a shitty person.

There is a difference…

And yet, despite the look on my face you’re still talking.

And yet, despite the look…

Quitters never win, and winners never quit talking about how they won.

Quitters never win…

I come from a place where “Keep talking” means you better shut the fuck up.

I come from a place…

The number of times I think “Shut the fuck up” while people are talking is getting out of hand.

The number of times I think…