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Attitude Quotes

Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. - Dalai Lama XIV

Know the rules well…

People are assholes. Just make sure you're not the toilet paper.

People are assholes…

If someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, you just look around the room, and answer, "haven't decided yet"

If someone points…

People say "You never know what you have until it's gone". Well... I know what I had and I'm glad it's gone.

People say…

Your first mistake is thinking people really give a fuck about you. Your second mistake is giving fuck about them.

Your first mistake…

Not giving a fuck is better than revenge.

Not giving a fuck…

Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept stupid people the way they are, courage to maintain my self-control, and wisdom to know that if I act on it, I will go to jail!

Lord, Grant me the serenity…

When I was a kid, I wanted to be older. This shit is not what I expected.

When I was a kid…

Listen, I am a nice person. So if I am an asshole to you, you need to ask yourself why.

Listen, I’m a nice person…

Instead of "Have a nice day" I think I'll start saying "Have the day you deserve". You know, let karma sort that shit out.

Instead of…