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Rude Quotes

Forgiving you means I no longer dwell on what an asshole you are. It doesn’t mean you are no longer an asshole.

Forgiving you…

Is being stupid is a new trend? Because everyone is doing it.

Is being stupid is a new trend?…

We wanted to be adults so bad. Now look at us. Just fucking look.

We wanted…

Don’t be afraid of your inner bitch. There are moments when you need her wisdom and bravery.

Don’t be afraid…

You are gonna piss a lot of people off when you start doing what’s best for you.

You are gonna…

Adult females friendships are mostly sending memes and helping diagnose sociopaths in each other’s lives.

Adult females friendships…

Less friends less bullshit. Keep your circle small.

Less friends…


If you ever hear someone talking shit about me, look them dead in the eye and say, “you know they don’t give a fuck, right?”

If you ever hear…

Orgasms are one of the healthiest forms of stress release. So if I tell you to go fuck yourself it’s because I care.
