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Not giving a fuck is better than revenge.

Not giving a fuck…

Everyone wants to be accepted and liked except for me. I couldn't give a flying fuck.

Everyone wants…

I don't get this whole, "no fucks given thing"... I have a ton of fucks to give: fuck off, fuck you, fuck that,fuck this...

I don’t get…

I realize that some people don't like me. I also realize that I highly don't give a fuck.

I realize…

If I ever give a flying fuck, it'll be because it's sex position.

If I ever give a flying fuck…

Three rules for life: 1 Fuck, 2 Don't give a fuck, 3 Don't be fucked over


Just be you, and if people don't like it, well fuck them.

Just be you…

Every damn day I ask the same three questions. What the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck was I thinking? Where the fuck is my drink?

Every damn day…

Just because I swear doesn't mean I don't have manners. I say "please" when I tell someone to fuck off.

Just because I swear…

Don't wait till your deathbed to tell people how you feel. Tell them to fuck off today.

Don’t wait…