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Sarcasm strengthens the right hemisphere of the brain, this side of the brain is responsible for your creative thoughts.


Sarcasm and attitude so much cheaper than therapy and bail money.

Sarcasm and attitude…

I have never faked sarcasm in my life.

I have never faked…

If I could turn snarky sarcasm into a paying job, I would be employed for eternity.

If I could turn snarky sarcasm…

The best friendships are built on solid foundation of alcohol, sarcasm, laughter and dislike of the same people.

The best friendships…

Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to use sarcasm.

Tact is for people…

SARCASM. I sprinkle that shit on everything.


Being able to respond with sarcasm within seconds of a stupid question is a sign of a healthy brain.

Being able to respond…

My body is a filter: coffee comes in, sarcasm comes out.

My body is a filter…

My sarcasm and my sincerity sound surprisingly similar.

My sarcasm…