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Do no harm, but take no shit.

Do no harm…

Take me as I am, or kiss my ass, eat shit, and step on a lego.

Take me as I am…

Real friends talk shit to your face, and say nice things behind your back.

Real friends…

Switch up your swear words. Keep them potent. Call someone a piece of fuck. Tell someone to go shit themselves. Keep the magic alive.

Switch up your swear words…

Be nice? Nah, people take advantage of that shit.

Be nice?…

Roses are red, shit is brown. Shut the fuck up, and sit the fuck down.

Roses are red…

The FUCKENING: When your day is going well and you don’t trust it and some shit finally goes down. Ah, there it is, the fuckening.


It’s all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.

It’s all shits and giggles…

Shit happens. Wipe your ass and move on.

Shit happens…

There are some things better left unsaid, but you can bet your sweet ass I’m gonna say that shit anyway.

There are some things…