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Shut Up

Shut the fuck up. Shut all the way the fuck up until you reach the top of shut fuck mountain, where there are no more fuck ups to shut!

Shut the fuck up…

You ever looked at someone and thought “Shut the fuck up” but they're not even speaking?

You ever looked…

We should have a national quiet day where everyone just shuts the fuck up for 24 hours.

We should have…

Thanks for your two cents, but I'll give you a whole quarter if you shut the fuck up.


Yeah, I tried shutting the fuck up... It’s absolutely not for me.

Yeah, I tried…

Haters are like crickets. They chirp all fucking day and when you walk by them they shut the fuck up.

Haters are like crickets…

I never understood how much some people can talk early in the morning, I mean to have brain so efficacious. Anything you can extract from mine is: shut the fuck up!

I never understood…

Some people will never understand that shutting the fuck up is an important communication skill.

Some people will never understand…

I don’t like hints. Be straightforward or shut the fuck up.

I don’t like hints…

Since you know it all, you should also know when to shut up.

Since you know it all…