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Vulgar Quotes

If the world didn’t suck we’d all fly into space.

If the world didn’t suck…

It is OK to lose your shit sometimes because if you keep your shit, you’ll end up full of shit and then you’ll explode and there will be shit everywhere. A shit storm. And nobody wants that.

It is OK…

I think I’m emotionally constipated, I have not given a shit in days.

I think I’m…

My favorite sexual position is pretty much any of them. I’m just glad to be involved.

My favorite sexual position…

Don’t be afraid of your inner bitch. There are moments when you need her wisdom and bravery.

Don’t be afraid…

If you ever hear someone talking shit about me, look them dead in the eye and say, “you know they don’t give a fuck, right?”

If you ever hear…

Orgasms are one of the healthiest forms of stress release. So if I tell you to go fuck yourself it’s because I care.


If you show me you don't give a fuck, I'll show you that I'm better at it.

If you show me…

LIVE TODAY LIKE IT IS YOUR LAST DAY! But pay your bills and use a condom just in case it isn’t.


You can not unfuck what has been fucked!

You can not…